The Effect of Rose Aromatherapy on Reducing The Post-Operative Pain Scale in Aisyiyah Padang Hospital, West Sumatera, Indonesia

  • Melti Suriya Lecturer, STIKes Alifah Padang, Indonesia
  • S. Zuriati Lecturer, STIKes Alifah Padang, Indonesia


The World Health Organization (WHO) data in 2012 experienced an increase of 148 million people globally, regarding the post-operative pain is concerned. In the year 2012, the prevalence reached 1.2 million people in Indonesia and was estimated at 32% to be exact. It has been found that post-operative patients complained of pain incidence with an average pain scale of 7-9. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rose aroma therapy on reducing pain scale in post-operative patients in the Care Room of Aisyiyah Hospital, Padang in 2018.
The design of this study was Quasi Experiment with the type of pretest and posttest perspectives taken two groups into account. The sample of this study was Post Laparatomi at Aisyiyah Hospital Padang with the technique "Accidental Sampling". The sample of this study was 30 people for the Aromatherapy rose group. Statistical test used for the study was the Independent t test.
Based on the results of this study the mean postoperative pain scale before being given aromatherapy rose is 5.87 and after that is 3.76, respectively with a p-value of 0.000. It can be concluded that the aroma of rose therapy can reduce the pain scale of postoperative patients. It is recommended for nurses in handling the patients having pain after being operated by providing pain management, namely aromatherapy roses.

Keywords: Post Surgery, Pain, Aromatherapy Rose


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How to Cite
Suriya, M., & Zuriati, S. (2019). The Effect of Rose Aromatherapy on Reducing The Post-Operative Pain Scale in Aisyiyah Padang Hospital, West Sumatera, Indonesia. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 2(1), 11-15. Retrieved from