Increasing Oxytocin Hormone Levels in Postpartum Mothers Receiving Oketani Massage and Pressure in The GB-21 Acupressure Point

  • Machmudah Jamzuri Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Semarang,Indonesia
  • Nikmatul Khayati Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Semarang,Indonesia
  • Sri Widodo Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Semarang,Indonesia
  • Elsi Dwi Hapsari School of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Fitri Haryanti School of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


Introduction: Breastfeeding is a physiological task for postpartum mothers. At the postpartum the condition of the body, especially the breast and hormonal system are prepared to support the lactation process. Not all mothers however can carry out this new task smoothly. Many complaints experienced by the mothers at the beginning of the lactation process including breast milk not coming out, breast milk in small amount, nipple blisters and so on. One of the factors that influences milk production is hormonal factors, namely prolactin and oxytocin. Breast care will stimulate the breast and affect hypopise to release more progesterone, estrogen and oxytocin hormones. The oxytocinhormone will cause contractions in other cells around the alveoli so that milk flows down towards the nipples.

Methodology: This type of research is a quasi-experiment using the pre post test design with control group. Results: The study showed that there was an increase in the mean value of oxytocin hormone in the mothers after receiving the Oketani massage intervention and pressure on the jianjing GB-21 acupressure point.

Discussion: Massage can help reducing daily stress, improve the immune system and generally make people feel healthier and more relaxed. Massage has been shown to facilitate increased release of natural oxytocin. Acupressure technique at Jianjing point GB-21 is a point to stimulate let down reflexes which can stimulate lactogen hormone secretion and can increase blood circulation in the breast (Betts, 2003). Relaxation conditions experienced by the mother will increase comfort so that it increases the let down reflex and increases levels of the prolactin and oxytocin hormones (Rahayu, et al., 2015). 

Keywords: Oxytocin, Oketani Massage, Postpartum Mothers, Acupressure


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How to Cite
Jamzuri, M., Khayati, N., Widodo, S., Hapsari, E., & Haryanti, F. (2019). Increasing Oxytocin Hormone Levels in Postpartum Mothers Receiving Oketani Massage and Pressure in The GB-21 Acupressure Point. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 2(1), 22-27. Retrieved from